Title: Double Take
Size: 19" x 32"
Medium: wax pastel (Neocolor)
Surface: canvas mounted on board
Technique: Icarus Painting Board
This artwork is the first of a new series that focuses on a submerged group of pebbles and their reflections under the water surface. I'm completely fascinated by this phenomenon which conveys a feeling of altered reality.
It takes a lot of time and preparation to capture beautiful reflections. After hundreds of photos, if I'm lucky, I come up with one or maybe two that work.
The interplay between realism and abstraction is an endless source of inspiration for me.
Sharma Zollinger
June 06, 2020
That is so gorgeous. Will you be selling painting packets or teaching this in the near future?
Ester Roi
June 06, 2020
Thank you so much, Sharma!
I’m planning to focus more on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/icarusart and on posting more step-by-steps on this blog.
June 14, 2020
Gorgeous. I’m amazed as an artist how you can draw such magic out of mediums that are so common and simple. Besides any form of pastel artwork is mesmerizing to me, as a self taught artist! Thanks for the amazing works!!
Ester Roi
June 15, 2020
Thank you so much, Tinamarie, how kind of you! <3