Title: Pebbles From Heaven, No. 4"
Size: 12" x 16"
Medium: wax pastel
Surface: linen mounted on board
Technique: Icarus Painting Board
This has been my longest break from art in 15 years. I’ve been keeping myself busy with overdue house/family projects that have been gnawing at me for way too long. After completing them, I feel a great sense of relief and accomplishment. My head is now spinning with so many creative ideas!
The linen I used as a substrate was primed with Art Spectrum Multimedia Primer. I really liked the irregular weave of linen versus cotton canvas but, if I will use it again in the future, I will choose a finer texture.
After varnishing, mounting and framing it, I will list it for sale on my website store.
For more information on my "Pebbles from Heaven" series please read this blog post.
It's nice to be back!