"After the Rain" is finished and in the process of being framed.
Size: 12" x 18"
Medium: Prismacolor and Luminance colored pencils, Neocolor artist crayons and oil pastels
Tools: tortillions, paper stumps, and color shapers
Surface: Art Spectrum Colourfix Supertooth board
Icarus Technique: http://icarusart.net/
Originals and giclees available here: http://esterroi.com/artwork/view/rocks-water/after-the-rain
I made some progress on my "Opus magnum", a 40”x 60” canvas. The section I completed is about 10% of the whole canvas (10" x 24").
I plan to work on it a couple of times a week, in between other projects. This is my first tribute to Montana's Glacier National Park, specifically the McDonald Creek.
Scott Kerschner
February 28, 2015
Ester, your art is amazing as always. The ethereal colors just pop of the paper.
Ester Roi
March 01, 2015
Thank you kindly, Scott! :)
March 01, 2015
I rather like Opus Magnum half completed. There is something to be said about the negative space.
Ester Roi
March 01, 2015
Thank you, Maryrose! :)
Hugh E. McGuire, Jr.
March 01, 2015
Superb as always! I always enjoy seeing your work.
Ester Roi
March 01, 2015
I appreciate it, Hugh!
Barbara Rogers
March 01, 2015
I really like the range of blues and reds in After the Rain.
Ester Roi
March 01, 2015
Thanks Barbara! I’m glad you do. :)