I'm very honored to be mentioned as an example of artist bloggers who, as Katherine Tyrrell says, "experiment and/or create and/or share innovations which help the practice of other artists". I'd love it if you would nominate me for the MAKING A MARK "Art Innovation of the Year Award".
Read what else Katherine Tyrrell wrote:
"...I've been very struck in recent years by artists who are art bloggers who have gone that extra mile and addressed their practical needs by creating a new tool or experimenting with new media - which they then share with other artists.
Ester Roi is a good example of the sort of person I mean. Some have shared within a commercial context - especially when, like Ester, they have invented, commissioned and manufactured a new material or tool which is not cheap to produce. Others focus on sharing new ways of working with media, materials or equipment produced by others.
The net result of all their experimentation and sharing is that for many of us our kit and materials now look very different as a direct result of their efforts. We've all benefited and this award is one way we can share our appreciation!"
To nominate me (you need an art blog to do it), go to Katherine Tyrrell's MAKING A MARK.
Once there, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Post a Comment".
Your comment should include:
Award: 2011 "The Art Innovation of the Year Award"
Name of the blog with URL: "Ester Roi's Blog" http://esterroi.com/blog/
Name of the blogger: Ester Roi
Why: (please write a reason why you are nominating me/my blog for the "Art Innovation of the Year Award" hint, hint... Icarus Drawing Board)