Today is the opening party for the Laguna Beach Festival of Arts and my exhibit space is ready to go. Four thousand people will be attending this evening event, a preview of the artists juried into the 2012 festival, which is celebrating its 80th anniversary. As you can see from the sign, my art has been categorized under "painting - icarus". I'm very honored that my technique has been recognized and I'm looking forward to explain the process to the visitors who will be intrigued by it.
Preparing for this festival has required all my time and energy. I will take a two month hiatus from demos, step-by-steps and videos but I will resume in earnest in September. I appreciate your patience and understating.
In July and August my posts will focus on the festival experience. I hope you will continue to read and comment as I really value your feedback. If you are in Southern California this summer, please stop by. Better yet, call me ahead at 949-683-6615 to make sure I'm there and I will get you inside for free.
Lyn Iorio
June 30, 2012
Best of luck to you during the Festival. One of the greatest art shows in the area! Your work should be unbelievably well received!!
I wish I were going to be in California this summer. Laguna Beach was where I spent my childhood and is where I learned to paint & appreciate fine art from my Grandmother who lived there.
Again, best of luck to you, the public is in for a treat!!
Lyn, West Orange, NJ
Hazen Folse
June 30, 2012
I so wish I could be there to see your exhibit. Thank you for your posts. So glad you can take part in this very prestigious event. Enjoy it to the fullest. All artists should know about your wonderful Icarus.
Hazen Folse
June 30, 2012
Your exhibit space looks wonderful! Best of luck and have fun! :)